Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Vigilante Fashionista's Nerdy Cool Dress & Closing Sale

Say hello to Vigilante Fashionista's contribution to the Candy Girl Hunt!  Seriously, can we talk about how cute this dress is?  The Nerds on it are adorable. The text on it says, "Dear Cool People - They didn't name a candy after you, did they?  Sincerely, Nerds."  This awesome Nerdy Cool dress can be found at the Vigilante Fashionista main store during the Candy Girl Hunt.  The Candy Girl Hunt is running until September 15th - you can find more info and hints on the KaTnipZ Events blog.

Something else happening on the 15th is the closing of Vigilante Fashionista.  Don't fret - the works of Momi Tigerfish are coming back, but only after some rebranding!  Vigilante Fashionista products will be available on the Second Life Marketplace, and until the 15th all merchandise in-world will be 80% off.  If you've been waiting for a sale to buy, the time is NOW.  Head down to the Vigilante Fashionista mainstore and buy, buy, buy!

Dress: Vigilante Fashionista Nerdy Cool Dress for the Candy Girl Hunt
Bracelet: Belinda's Smiley Face Bracelet for the Ultimate Kawaii Hunt
Ring:  Kawaii Sugar Whip Cream Ring - Rainbow Sherbert for the Candy Girl Hunt
Shoes: Switch. Ballerina Flats [Marketplace | Slurl]
Hair: [elikatira] Shine [Slurl]
Eyes: Az Designs Promo Honey [5L$!] [Marketplace]
Ears: MANDALA Female Stretched Ears [Marketplace | Slurl]
Eyelashes: – DAMNED – Body Shop My Perfect Eyelashes [Marketplace | Slurl]
Tattoo: AUDRAN Unisex Collarbone Chest Tattoo ‘Tentacled‘ [Marketplace]

Cross-posted to Alt.